This Friday
Join us at for traditional "weed and cartoons" mass!
We start at 4PM Pacific Time, 11PM GMT, or 7:50 (7:91 during the winter) Discordian Universal Time, and services last two hours.
We at the FSoF Cabal celebrate Fuschal Day with cartoons and a Hot Dog Communion meal, or at least we try to remember.
Some weeks we even remember, and have stuff for hot dogs, all at the same time!
Why cartoons?
"Cartoons are a sacrament — an expression of unbridled creativity, childlike innovation, breathtaking beauty... and sometimes, they're also a hard, ugly lesson about the past."
-Reverend Jesus
Why Friday? Why hot dogs?
"A Discordian is required during his early Illumination to Go Off Alone & Partake Joyously of a Hot Dog on a Friday; this devotive ceremony serves to remonstrate against the popular paganisms of the day: of Catholic christendom (no meat on Friday), of Judaism (no meat of pork), of Hindic peoples (no meat of beef), of Buddhists (no meat of animal), and of Discordians (no hot dog buns)."
-Principia Discordia, p00004
Why "Fuschal Day?"
As detailed in the historical documents, Felix Sapiens was — or will be — a species who clearly harbor underground Discordians:
"Do you know what happened to people who wouldn't eat hotdogs on Fuschal Day? They were stoned to death with stale doughnuts!"
-The Cat, Waiting for God (Red Dwarf)
I like to think Lister had a page or two of the PD lining Frankenstein's bed.